Fördel Offshorebolag i Vietnam

Företag i Vietnam

Fördelar foreign-owned LLC

Wholly foreign-owned LLC

Vietnams flagga

Bra för

LLC - Företagets huvudsakliga egenskaper

Allmän Information
Typ av affärsenhet, bolagsform
Wholly foreign-owned LLC
Brittiskt baserat rättssystem
Law on Enterprises
Tillgång till dubbelt skatteavtal
Upp till 45 dagar
Företagskrav vid registrering
Detta gäller
Minsta antal aktieägare
Minsta antal direktörer
Företagsledare tillåtna
Nej! Ska vara en direktör/delägare
Standard auktoriserat kapital/andelar
US$ 10.000
Lokala krav
Detta gäller
Registered Office = Bolagsadress
Lokala möten i Vietnam
Nej! Kan hållas varsomhelst
Direktör ifrån Vietnam
JA! Vietnamesisk aktieägare krävs inte
Årliga krav, rapportering
Detta gäller
Årlig avkastning, Annual Return
Finansiell rapport, Audited Accounts
Offentligt tillgänglighet


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Betala med kontokort
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Ditt bolag

Bolaget registrera med info om styrelseledamot/aktieägare



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FAQ - Starting a Business in Vietnam

Foreigners are allowed to register their company in Vietnam. In most industries, they can own 100% of the shares of their business. In a few selected industries, company registration in Vietnam is only allowed in a joint venture agreement with a Vietnamese individual or corporate shareholder. One IBC’ Vietnam company registration specialist will advise you with regards to the need for a joint venture partner.

Yes. in many ways. Foreigners registering a new business in Vietnam are notably required to open a capital account in the country, which they will have to use in other to inject their company’s share capital.

Not necessarily. A foreign investor may set up a new legal entity as a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (“WFOE”) or as a JV (and contribute capital to this entity): in this case, an investor must apply both for an investment registration certifcate (“IRC”) and an enterprise registration certifcate (“ERC”), which was formerly called a business registration certifcate (“BRC”). A foreign investor may also contribute capital to an existing legal entity in Vietnam, which does not require an issuance of an IRC or ERC.

Thus, in respect of foreign investors carrying out their frst project in Vietnam, the incorporation of the Vietnamese legal entity takes place simultaneously with the licensing of their frst project. In other words, a foreign investor cannot incorporate a legal entity without a project. However, subsequent to the frst project, an investor may carry out additional projects either using the established legal entity or by setting up a new entity.

A foreign investor (just like a local investor) may select one of the following Vietnamese legal entities to carry out a project:

  • A limited liability company (“LLC”), in the form of either a single-member LLC (“SLLC”) or an LLC with two or more (up to a maximum of 50) members (“MLLC”).
  • A shareholding or joint stock company (“JSC”) which is a company with at least three shareholders but no maximum number of shareholders.
  • A general partnership or a limited liability partnership.
  • A private enterprise (akin to a sole proprietorship).

The two main factors that lead a foreign investor to choose a JV are: (i) some business sectors in Vietnam require a JV to establish a commercial presence in Vietnam; and (ii) the Vietnamese party has a key asset, local know-how and knowledge, or other factors that make the JV the preferred choice.
For example, in real estate development projects, the Vietnamese party usually has the land use rights, which by law cannot be directly transferred to a foreign investor, but may be contributed into a JV.

The standard corporate income tax (CIT) rate is 20%, though enterprises operating in the oil and gas sectors will be subject to rates between 32% and 50%

Dividends paid by a Vietnamese company to its corporate shareholders will be completely tax exempt. Furthermore, no withholding tax will be imposed on dividends remitted to overseas corporate shareholders. For individual shareholders, the withholding tax will be 5%

Interest payments and royalties paid to non-residents individuals or corporate entities will be subject to withholding tax of 5% and 10% respectively

Personal income tax for residents is levied under a progressive system, ranging between 5% and 35%. However, for non-resident individuals, the tax is levied at a flat rate of 20%.

  • Skannat och notariserat pass för varje aktieägare/ägare och styrelseledamot.
  • Skannat och notariserat bevis på bostadsadress för varje styrelseledamot och aktieägare på engelska, eller en certifierad översättning.
  • För icke-vietnamesiska dokument: Legalisering, översätt till vietnamesiska, intyga översättningen.
  • För vietnamesiska dokument: Certifierad kopia.
  • Alla uppgifter behandlas strängt konfidentiellt
  • Snabb och en 100% framgångsrik registrering
  • Snabbt, enkelt och via högst konfidentiellt säkrade system
  • Dedikerad Support 24/7
  • Du beställer och vi gör allt arbete åt dig

Oavsett ditt behov så kan vi alltid tillgodose det!

  • Bankkonto
  • Redovisning och finansiell rapport
  • Nominerad direktör/Aktieägartjänster
  • Servicekontor
  • Företagslicenser
  • Byt registrerad agent
  • Business konto online
  • IP & Trademark

Registered Office, a virtual address for your business.
Bolagsadressen gäller gentemot myndigheter, bank, osv tillkommer och tecknas om 12 månader.
Pris varierar beroende på jurisdiktion i samband med beställning får du ett aktuellt pris.

Öppna bolagskonto och/eller personkonto online,
utan personligt besök, se info BR €conomy!